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Squirrel Pest Control: Tips on How to Protect Your Garden

Squirrel Pest Control: Tips on How to Protect Your Garden

Squirrel Pest Control: Tips on How to Protect Your Garden

Squirrels may look cute and harmless, but they can be a serious nuisance when it comes to your garden. These furry creatures are known for destroying by digging up plants, eating fruits and vegetables, and even damaging trees. If you’re an avid gardener, dealing with squirrel pest control can be a frustrating and ongoing battle. But don’t worry, there are steps you can take to protect your garden from squirrels without harming them. In this guide, we’ll share some simple yet effective tips for keeping squirrels away from your beloved garden and keeping your plants safe.

1. Identify the Problem

Before taking any action, it’s important to identify if squirrels are indeed causing damage in your garden. Look out for signs such as chewed fruits or vegetables, dug-up areas in your soil, or even sightings of squirrels themselves. It’s also helpful to determine what type of squirrel you’re dealing with, as some species may have different habits and behaviors.

2. Create Barriers

One effective way to prevent squirrels from entering your garden is by creating barriers. This can include using wire mesh or chicken wire around vulnerable areas such as raised beds or fruit trees. You can also use netting over plants or gardens to keep squirrels out. Make sure the barriers are sturdy and secure, as squirrels can be persistent in finding their way in.

3. Use Natural Repellents

There are many natural repellents that can deter squirrels from entering your garden. These include using strong-scented herbs like mint, rosemary, or sage around the perimeter of your garden or sprinkling cayenne pepper around plants. You can also try installing a motion-activated sprinkler system to startle and scare away squirrels.

4. Plant Deterrents

Squirrels have a dislike for certain types of plants, so strategically planting them around your garden can help keep them away. These include daffodils, alliums, and hyacinths, which have strong scents that repel squirrels. You can also try planting some spicy plants like chili peppers or garlic, which squirrels tend to avoid.

5. Keep Squirrels Fed Elsewhere

One reason squirrels may enter your garden is because they are looking for food. By providing them with an alternative feeding spot away from your garden, you can keep them from causing damage to your plants. This can be as simple as setting up a squirrel feeder in a different area of your yard and filling it with their favorite foods such as nuts or seeds.

6. Use Scented Deterrents

Squirrels have a strong sense of smell, so using scented deterrents can be a useful way to keep them away from your garden. This can include placing mothballs or predator urine (which can be purchased at garden supply stores) around the perimeter of your garden. You can also try soaking cotton balls in these scents and placing them in areas where squirrels tend to enter.

7. Try Noise Tactics

Squirrels are easily frightened by loud noises, so deploying noise tactics can help keep them away from your garden. This can include installing wind chimes or playing a radio near your garden to create constant background noise. You can also try clapping your hands or using a high-pitched whistle when you see squirrels entering your garden to startle them and make them leave.

8. Maintain Your Garden

Keeping your garden well-maintained can also help prevent squirrels from causing damage. By regularly pruning trees and shrubs, you eliminate potential hiding spots for squirrels. Additionally, removing fallen fruits and vegetables can keep squirrels from being attracted to your garden in the first place.

Squirrels may be cute, but they can cause significant damage to your garden if left unattended. By following these tips for squirrel pest control, you can protect your plants and maintain a thriving garden. Remember to be persistent and try different methods until you find what works best for your garden.

Don’t let squirrels take over your garden. With these simple tips, you can keep them at bay and enjoy a beautiful, healthy garden all season long. Call our pest control specialists at Prompt Action Pest Control at (877) 877-6678 for more information.